"It doesn't really matter if your house is that dirty. Go ahead and do your thing. Don't pay too much attention to housekeeping." - A centarian thinking woman's mother

Ann sent me this link recently: A Centenarian's Advice to Young Women: Figure Out What You Want

Marian Cannon Schlesinger is a thinking, intellectual woman who's been living for a hundred years. Her advice to young thinking women was:

Just go ahead and do your thing no matter what...my mother had said, 'It doesn't really matter if your house is that dirty. Go ahead and do your thing. Don't pay too much attention to housekeeping.'"

On not housekeeping

I would have liked to hang a cross-stitched version of the quote up in my house. or have it printed on a girly, flowery piece of paper. But in the interest of time, i only printed the quote from MSwords in the most girly font installed on my computer, and have it stuck on the fridge.

It reminds me that, no matter how i may sometimes feel like reacting towards piles of dust or clothes or dishes in some corner of my sloppy home, I must be strong and not be distracted from my writing, my thing. OK?  =/